Money and Disability

Money and Disability
People with disabilities must navigate a complex system of government benefits and support. Many work, although many more would like to be employed. The disabled also confront limitations created by misperceptions about what people living with disabilities are capable of and have the desire to do.
Additional Resources:
National Council on Disability:
Links to local services and government programs
The Arc Minnesota. The Arc Minnesota provides information and assistance to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families statewide. e Arc Minnesota provides information and assistance to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families statewide.
Money & Lending Circles: Systemic racism and stereotypes about lower income individuals denies them access to mainstream financial institutions. Yet they need money to buy a home, start a business and live. A time-honored way to provide loans is with lending circles. A group of people, often with close cultural ties, work together to provide members with the money they need to achieve their goals.
Additional Resources:
Mission Asset Fund:
Family Independence Initiative:
Good credit and how to build it: Hmong English Spanish
Money & Personal Assets: Personal assets include your talents and the skills of people you trust. Making use of personal assets is a creative way to solve many money problems.
Additional Resources: